About us
Our Services
Useful Health Links

Paterson Heath has professional links with all the following professional organistions.

Alzheimer's Society

British Allergy Foundation

British Nutrition Foundation

British Pregnancy Advisory Service

Children's Health

Eating Disorders Association

Eyecare Information Service

Health Advice

Help the Aged

Herpes Viruses Assosciation

Men's Health

Migraine Action Assosciation

National Autistic Soceity

National Childbirth Trust

NHS (National Health) Direct

National Pharmacy Association

Skin Care Campaign

Student Health

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Travel Health

Women's Health

“Lambeth has a wide range of community and local services to improve your health and wellbeing such as social care providers, voluntary groups, community organisations and other specialist care providers. "Your Care, Your Way" is an online directory to these services. The organisations and companies provide comprehensive social care services and advice for residents and those working in the borough.”

Link: http://yourcareyourway.lambeth.gov.uk/
